Thursday 27 February 2014

Secrets and Lies.

We all lie at some point in our lives. Whether it's when we are children with the "I'm not tired" lie, or as we grow up and that lie becomes "I can't, I'm busy". Lies can range from a small white lie like "That outfit looks fine on you" to lies much more serious.
It really gets on my nerves when people say that they hate liars. If you hate liars then you must hate everyone including yourself because anyone who says that they have never lied is lying. Dont get me wrong, I'm not saying that lying is right by any means, I'm just saying that sometimes a lie can't be helped.
My favourite is "I'm fine". It saves a lot of hassle and explanations. Although when I'm with my wonderful boyfriend I seemed to be using that lie a lot less. He turns my frown upside down and I am so lucky to have him in my life.
"So what's this post about?" I hear you ask. Well, from now on I plan to lie less and share my feelings more with the ones I love (and you guys of course).
So here it is. I'm going to let you in on a little secret about myself... I actually quite liked the twilight saga (books and films)!
I've told you my embarrassing secret, let me know yours!

See you soon guys!


Wednesday 26 February 2014


A few more pictures from the party last friday.

And here are some from Les Mis :)

See you soon guys!

Monday 24 February 2014

Hey Guys!

Hey guys! I'm new to this so bear with me! This is my first Sunday post so it might be a bit lame but I promise I'll be a pro blogger in no time.
As it says all over my blog page, my name is Zoe Denne, I'm 18 years old and I live in London, England.

I guess I'll start by talking about my week... Most of it was good, some bad but I'll get to that in a minute.
I spent my week working and hanging out with my gorgeous boyfriend, John.

We have been together for just over 10 months and still going strong. Our first Valentines day together he took me to see Les Miserables in theatre and it was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! I totally recommend going to see it.

On Friday 21st February I went to a party thrown by John and his family. I am not ashamed to admit that I got a bit drunk and was saying some pretty random things like "Some people are beautiful on the inside and not on the outside so don't worry". I am not too sure who I said this to but when I find out I will probably have some apologising to do! I had a lot of fun and maybe made a friend with John's friend's girlfriend Carly but I'm not too sure because she is quite short and skinny and I'm probably the complete opposite... bit awkward but can I get over it? Anyways, lets just say that getting drunk the night before work is probably not the best of ideas... Major hangover!

Now we get to the bad part of my week. On Saturday 22nd February, yesterday, there was a bit of an incident where my mum's partner shoved me and verbally abused me, alot. The worst part about it was the fact that, as far as I can tell, my mum has done nothing about it. Tonight we have just sat around like normal with him sitting there with a smug look on his creepy face because he has got away with it once again. It has shaken me up a little bit to the point that when my mum leaves the room, so do I. 

Anyways, enough with all that depressing stuff and onto more depressing stuff. 
It sounds weird but I have been conducting a little experiment. Since I have left school I wanted to find out who is really there for me. I have spent the past couple of weeks not texting any of my 'best friends' first and the result? Not one of them have texted me first. It just bugs me that no one ever makes the effort to talk to me first and keep in touch so I don't think I'm going to bother anymore. 

Well that was my week. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed :) Sorry it was a bit of a rant but I did warn you! 

See you soon guys!